
Passing Through

September 12, 2014

As summer fades into a crisp autumn day I find myself back in school. A two-day symposium on drug use and mental illness and the specialized court systems available to treat criminals with these issues. So, you know, best time ever. This summer Hot Mama and I went to Las Vegas for a weekend. As […]

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April 4, 2013

I’m here. Hot Mama is at home with Things 1-3. I rarely travel alone. I am a homebody. I like my bed. I don’t like cramming my fat ass in a tiny airplane seat. But walking through the airport I began thinking about my previous trips to this event and began to get excited. I […]

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The Case for Electronic Case Files

January 2, 2013

This is the scene after an associate attorney was rear ended by a tractor-trailer on a snowy turnpike. After his spinning car came to rest, he walked away. But his files were not so fortunate. See that piece of cardboard sticking out from where his trunk once was? That was a banker box full of […]

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Fun With Pleadings

September 7, 2012

An attorney from Oklahoma alerted me to a recent paper scuffle that took place in the District Court in and for Tulsa County. Apparently a civil defense attorney took issue with the plaintiff’s attorney’s alleged habit of delay in mailing pleadings and filed with the court a “Notice of Failure to Timely Deliver Filed Pleadings” […]

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How to Build the Ultimate Treadmill Desk

January 31, 2012

Many people desire a fit and healthy body. It is easy to read through fitness magazines and websites and dream of a beach-ready figure. The demands of work and family often crowd out the hard part, finding time to actually exercise.  It is even worse if you have a desk job where you tend to […]

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Mobile Timeslips on the iPad with iSlips

December 22, 2011

As I have discussed here before, it can be a pain keeping track of your billing in six minute increments. It is even more of a chore to keep track of time when you are on the go. Trying to go back and recreate a day or a week out of the office can be […]

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The iPad as a Legal Pad Replacement

March 11, 2011

Last year I wrote about the iPad as a laptop replacement. While much of what I wrote still applies, especially the preference for viewing PDFs and photos on the iPad, I have noticed that the iPad has been an imperfect replacement for a laptop when it comes to text generation, e.g. legal documents or blog […]

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Mall Santa and a Screaming Child

December 23, 2010

Almost all kids seem to love Santa in theory. Most kids seem to like Santa in person. Some kids do not want to have anything to do with the fat, scary guy’s lap. This beautiful little girl screaming at the top of her lungs is none other than my wonderful Thing 1, who at the […]

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Holiday Divorce Musings

November 22, 2010

I think about what it would be like to divorce my wife several times per month, on average. I think about what it would be like to go through a custody fight over our kids. Why would a very happily married man contemplate such things? My job. I handle cases from various areas of practice […]

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Family Law Burnout

September 21, 2010

Lee Rosen of Divorce Discourse posted on reaching a breaking point in family law. One of the readers commented that having another practice area can help and Rosen commented that it would only work for lawyers smart enough to handle two practice areas. My response was as follows: I have never viewed it as being […]

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The iPad as a Laptop Replacement

August 1, 2010

I bought an iPad two weeks ago. I had been considering the purchase since the product was announced and did a fair amount of research on the product so that I would know what I was getting. Plus I already have an iPhone so I am very familiar with the interface, and so are my […]

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