Law Practice


April 4, 2013

I’m here. Hot Mama is at home with Things 1-3. I rarely travel alone. I am a homebody. I like my bed. I don’t like cramming my fat ass in a tiny airplane seat. But walking through the airport I began thinking about my previous trips to this event and began to get excited. I […]

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Mobile Timeslips on the iPad with iSlips

December 22, 2011

As I have discussed here before, it can be a pain keeping track of your billing in six minute increments. It is even more of a chore to keep track of time when you are on the go. Trying to go back and recreate a day or a week out of the office can be […]

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Old School Alternative Dispute Resolution

August 11, 2011

Jim Calloway, Director of the Oklahoma Bar Association’s Management Assistance Program, hosts the aptly-named Jim Calloway’s Law Practice Tips Blog and recently shared a link to a story in the Oklahoma Bar Journal where a long-practicing attorney shares the experience of his first trial fresh out of law school. Check out the story, it’s short and worth […]

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Mall Santa and a Screaming Child

December 23, 2010

Almost all kids seem to love Santa in theory. Most kids seem to like Santa in person. Some kids do not want to have anything to do with the fat, scary guy’s lap. This beautiful little girl screaming at the top of her lungs is none other than my wonderful Thing 1, who at the […]

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Holiday Divorce Musings

November 22, 2010

I think about what it would be like to divorce my wife several times per month, on average. I think about what it would be like to go through a custody fight over our kids. Why would a very happily married man contemplate such things? My job. I handle cases from various areas of practice […]

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War Stories

November 2, 2010

Note: As it is with many professions, when attorneys get together they tend to tell “war stories” about their cases and clients. This is the first of hopefully many such stories. I encourage you to share your own war stories with me and I will post them here. Court reporters have a tough job. When […]

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After You Clean Your Desk, Clean Your Office (and Your Computer)

May 19, 2010 seems to have a theme going. Today I read Improve Your Practice with an Uncluttered Office which also referenced the clean desk article I previously discussed. One point of the article is that clutter wastes time and the author states that “Even “paperless” offices can have computer clutter, making it difficult to find a […]

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Desk: Clean It Off or Pile It Up?

May 14, 2010

I admit it, I have mild anal-retentive, obsessive-compulsive tendencies. I had to travel out of town yesterday and today for court and as entertainment for the drive I listened some podcasts from the David Allen Company on Getting Things Done. When I got back to my office I read a post by Kendra Brodin entitled […]

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In the Words of Ice Cube “It Was a Good Day”

January 15, 2010

As shocking as it may sound, I do not love my job all the time. In fact there are days when I downright hate it. Then there are days like today. I spent the morning in a mediation session discussing the strengths and weaknesses of our case with mediator and then sharing stories with my […]

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You mean not everyone loves the paperless office?

November 3, 2009

I came across a post at Paralegalese titled Words That Do Not Mix: Paperless Law Office. As the I.T. guru at our firm, I have been seeking to use computers to increase efficiency within our firm and regularly see articles touting the paperless office for law firms to increase efficiency and decrease costs. I guess […]

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My Life in Six-Minute Increments

September 15, 2009

A long, long time ago a someone decided that it made sense to charge for legal services by the hour. Most of the firms I am familiar with bill their hours in six-minute increments. This is a topic that was not very well addressed at my law school and but it seems like a very […]

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