
How to Build the Ultimate Treadmill Desk

January 31, 2012

Many people desire a fit and healthy body. It is easy to read through fitness magazines and websites and dream of a beach-ready figure. The demands of work and family often crowd out the hard part, finding time to actually exercise.  It is even worse if you have a desk job where you tend to […]

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I’m Fat Daddy and I’m Fatorexic

February 15, 2011

For Valentine’s Day I did not get Hot Mama flowers or a card, she was totally fine with it since we had discussed it before hand. I did, however, get her a membership with Weight Watchers Online. Actually, I am the member, but it was with her in mind that I signed up (again). I […]

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5 Mistakes Fat Dads Make

November 4, 2010

We all make mistakes, but what is important is to recognize the mistake and learn from it, and hopefully stop repeating it. The following is a handful of common mistakes that fat dads make that stand in the way of good health. 1. Okay, we can hit the drive-thru. It’s been a long day and […]

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