Fat Daddy, Esq.

Do I Still Get My Tickets?

August 5, 2011

I came across an interesting report of Operation Iron Snare on YardBarker.com where an Alabama Sheriff’s department rounded up child support-owing parents by claiming they won tickets to the Alabama-Auburn football game. And, no, he did not get his tickets.

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The Food Network: Porn for Fat People

June 24, 2011

I follow Michael Pollan on Twitter (@michaelpollan) and after seeing a new tweet ended up exploring his website. I came across an article titled Out of the Kitchen, Onto the Couch in which he discusses the decline of home cooking and the popularity of food television programming. Pollan states that the average American spends only […]

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Your Honor, I Had to Cook My Own Meals!

June 17, 2011

Before no-fault divorce became an available method of getting divorced, a spouse had to show that they were entitled to a divorce because the other spouse was at fault due to abandonment, adultery or some other grounds. While reading a land abstract recently I came across a Petition for divorce that contained the following allegations: That […]

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Three Cheese Manicotti

June 12, 2011

Do a quick search for manicotti on Google, go ahead, I will wait. Now, tell me (in the comments below) what is manicotti? I thought I knew the answer. You see boxes of manicotti pasta tubes on supermarket shelves and manicotti is listed on the menu at most Italian restaurants here in the United States. […]

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Quick Review of TECHSHOW Day Three

April 14, 2011

The final day of TECHSHOW was a half-day schedule. Although it would have been fun to attend the sessions covering iPads and apps, I opted to attend some practical, business related classes. The presenters must have known that it was going to be a tough draw competing against the Apple love fest as the title […]

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Quick Review of TECHSHOW Day Two

April 12, 2011

Little did I know that TECHSHOW has quite an after-conference schedule filled with informal gatherings centered around food and drink. Or just drink, a lot of drink. Somehow the hotel bed felt much more comfortable last night and I nearly slept through the first session today. I spent a few hours in the Advanced I.T. […]

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Quick Review of TECHSHOW Day One

April 11, 2011

I am not a morning person. At home I enjoy my bed. The hotel bed made me considerably more of a morning person as I gave up on productive sleep by 5:45 a.m. and was out exploring the Windy City by 6:15. I had breakfast at a spot on Michigan Avenue called Yolk. I will […]

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April 8, 2011

It’s Friday, the work week is over. On Sunday I will be heading to the airport to depart for Chicago to attend the 2011 ABA TECHSHOW. As I have mentioned before, I am the I.T. guy at our small firm. Not because I am highly qualified but because I have the most knowledge of the […]

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Everybody Dies Famous in a Small Town

March 23, 2011

Small town living is a bit of an acquired taste. Small town living in the Bible Belt can be even more peculiar. To quote John Mellencamp, “I was born in a small town and I live in a small town.” I presume urban dwellers think that my neighbors are a bunch of uneducated simpletons who […]

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The iPad as a Legal Pad Replacement

March 11, 2011

Last year I wrote about the iPad as a laptop replacement. While much of what I wrote still applies, especially the preference for viewing PDFs and photos on the iPad, I have noticed that the iPad has been an imperfect replacement for a laptop when it comes to text generation, e.g. legal documents or blog […]

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I’m Fat Daddy and I’m Fatorexic

February 15, 2011

For Valentine’s Day I did not get Hot Mama flowers or a card, she was totally fine with it since we had discussed it before hand. I did, however, get her a membership with Weight Watchers Online. Actually, I am the member, but it was with her in mind that I signed up (again). I […]

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